Microprocessor | Short Notes | ECETOTAL

Table of Contents

  • Definition
  • Computer language
  • History of microprocessor

The microprocessor is a Programmable integrating device having computing, storing, retrieving and decision-making capabilities.
  • A computer with a microprocessor as its CPU is known as a microcomputer.
  • A microcomputer on a single chip is known as a microcontroller.

Computer language

  1. Mnemonic-- A combination of letters to suggest the operation of an instruction.
  2. Program-- Effect of instruction written in a specific sequence for the computer to accomplish a given task.
  3. Machine language-- A set of instructions executed directly by the computer's CPU.
  4. Assembly language-- It is low-level programming there is a strong correspondence between the language and architectures' machine code instructions.
  5. Low-level language-- Machine-specific languages are known as low-level language examples- machine language, assembly language.
  6. High-level language-- A programming language that enables a programmer to write programs that are independent of a particular type of computer.
  7. Assembler-- It is a computer program that translates an assembly language program for Mnemonics to the binary machine code of a computer.
  8. Compiler-- A program that translates high-level language program into machine level language by translating the entire program at a time and educating it.
  9. Interpreter-- Translate high-level language program in object codes statement wise. 

High-level language programming is required for translators like a compiler or an interpreter to translate the program written in a high-level language to binary form.

  • Bit-- A binary digit, 0 0r 1.
  • Nibble-- A group of four (4) bits.
  • Byte-- A group of eight (8) bits.
  • Word-- A group of the byte the computer recognizes and processors at a time.

History of microprocessor

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